This performance marketing team generated over $7M through paid advertising campaigns
What you'll learn:
✔️ The effects of shifting from an agency model to performance marketing
✔️ What makes an offer profitable
✔️ How they leveraged Squaredance's community to prospect new offers

Who is Unicorn Innovations?
Founded in 2017, Unicorn Innovations is a customer acquisition agency that helps brands of all shapes and sizes generate more revenue through their paid advertising campaigns.
Through a combination of performance services, expert consulting, and a marketing design that’s ready to scale, Unicorn Innovations has generated hundreds of millions of dollars in traceable revenue for some of the world’s largest, most reputable brands.
Partner Type: Media Buyers
Location: Orlando, Florida
Services: Performance Marketing & Consulting
Learn how Unicorn Innovations leveraged Squaredance to build conversion-driven campaigns that scaled rapidly.