Unlocking Success with New Funnel UX: A Platform Update

Experience Squaredance's new funnel page. This new UX brings a range of powerful features designed to empower our community of dtc experts, offer more control during the setup stage, and streamline the process of optimizing funnels. 

Squaredance team

June 6, 2023

In today's fast-paced digital landscape, staying ahead of the competition requires continuous innovation and improvement. That's why we are excited to share the news of our latest platform update, which promises to revolutionize the funnel experience for both brands and partners. 

Our enhanced funnel user experience brings a range of powerful features designed to empower our community of dtc experts, offer more control during the setup stage, and streamline the process of optimizing funnels. 

In this blog post, we will explore these new capabilities and explain why they matter, ensuring you understand the significance and benefits of leveraging this improved funnel UX.

Why Should You Care about the New Funnels Page on Squaredance?

The funnel is a fundamental concept in marketing, representing the customer journey from initial awareness to final conversion. It outlines the steps and touchpoints a potential customer goes through, allowing brands and affiliate partners to map out and optimize their marketing strategies accordingly. A well-designed and efficient funnel can significantly impact a campaign’s success, maximizing conversions and revenue generation.

With Squaredance’s updated funnel experience, we introduce several compelling reasons why brands and partners should pay attention:

Spot opportunities and identify possible issues 

The ability to view traffic activity per event across all partners empowers brands and partners to gain valuable insights. By analyzing this data, you can identify untapped growth opportunities or detect potential bottlenecks and issues in the funnel. With this information at your fingertips, you can make informed decisions to optimize your marketing strategies and enhance the customer experience.

More control over funnel visibility 

Brands now have the flexibility to hide published funnels from all partners. This feature enables you to exercise total control over who has access to specific funnels, providing an added layer of exclusivity. Even when hidden, you can still share the funnel's link with exclusive affiliates, ensuring your brand's message reaches the right audience, at the right time, while maintaining control and confidentiality.

Verify additional funnels faster 

The process of verifying funnels can be time-consuming and resource-intensive, often requiring manual test purchases. However, our platform's new Auto-Detect option simplifies this process. Leveraging advanced algorithms, Squaredance compares the configuration of new funnels to those that you have previously manually verified. If the new funnel is similar and the lead pixel works, then it can be assumed that it will likely work, saving you valuable time and effort in the verification process.

By leveraging these powerful features and embracing the new funnel UX, brands and partners can enhance their marketing strategies, streamline operations, and unlock new levels of success.

To sum it up, the latest platform update brings exciting improvements to the funnel experience, empowering brands and partners with advanced capabilities. From identifying growth opportunities to gaining more control over funnel visibility and expediting the verification process, these enhancements provide tangible benefits that can drive revenue and maximize marketing effectiveness. 

We encourage you to log in to Squaredance now and experience these features firsthand, as we continue to prioritize innovation and your success. We look forward to hearing your feedback and answering any questions you may have. Together, let's elevate your funnel game and achieve remarkable results.

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